Coyote's Writing

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Smashing Fear-Constructs

We create, over time, through worrying and anxiety thinking, a world in which the thing we fear doesn't exist, in order that we don't have to feel the fear about it. But it comes at a huge cost. This is really important to understand - really shifting this through practice will utterly change experience of life.

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Sloggy Days!

On a sloggy day my mind and body are unsynchronized. I want to do stuff, but also don’t want to do anything. I want to eat something, but also don’t. I’ve got things to do, and don’t want to do them. Nothing feels quite right. Everything feels like a slog to do it. This is a sloggy day. Learn how to work with them.

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Anxiety & Fear
Smashing the walls of fear-constructs

We create, over time, through worrying and anxiety thinking, as well as logically working things out, and talking about it, and all sorts...


All New Podcast!

I'm working on launching a podcast. You'll be able to listen to content like all my articles above and more, sharing teachings on the loving kindness technology, the nature of consciousness and mind, how to shift your experience of life, how to work with anxiety, how to create sustainable body transformation, and other such topics! Sign up here.

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