01Â Josh Woll
Coyote says: Josh and I worked together for some time, moving through the journey from escaping our individual suffering, into joy, and then working with others helping them do the same. We worked initially on deep depression, transforming this. And then we worked through the major aspects of the things keeping him stuck and trapped in the knots of our own creation from our fears. For Josh one of the major symptoms of this was crippling debt, which we were able to completely transform. Now he's coaching others!

Josh Woll. Entrepreneur, Cinematographer, Coach
Josh says: "Coyote was an integral part towards my transformation having worked with him for close to 2 years. At first, we focused on my relationship with myself and struggling with depression. You can’t really be with or know how to adjust something unless you can understand it or see it. This is one of Coyote’s incredible strengths is his ability to be patient and have a gentle way of bringing you closer toward your desire goals, even if you do not know what your goal is.
I always looked forward to our conversations, even when they were difficult, because I knew I was going to gain more from that conversation than before it started. One of the biggest takeaways from our time together has been the ability to incorporate discipline into my life. I never realized how beneficial this would be. Especially in today’s world where so much is thrown at us, discipline is vital towards a person’s mental well being, physical and spiritual health. Whether it’s a meditation practice, exercise, food, so many things discipline allows you to accomplish so much more.
Some weeks it would “seem” as though nothing was changing, but in reality, it was. He really helped with staying with it. Seeing the wins even if they were small. Seeing the ways of practice in ways we typically do not.
Another sticking point in my life was my relationship with money. It’s been messy. 15+ credit cards, I had amassed an incredible amount of debt. I kept telling myself the investments I’ve made will pay this off later. While some of that may be true, there is still so much uncertainty, I used this as an excuse to not face the difficult process of cleaning this up and he help me see that. He introduced me to budgeting and using the software YNAB. It allowed me to open up and have a clearer view on what my situation really looked like. We don’t realize the path of something better because we become formed to the habits we are used to, even if they are not beneficial to our lives.
I’m forever grateful to Coyote because he has helped me become a version of myself, one of which I’m very proud of. The knowledge, tools, and experience I’ve gained from working with him are lifelong skills that will further assist me in achieving the results of consistently wanting to become a better version of myself..
02Â Dave Mox
Dave and I worked together at a time when Dave was ready to step into a new way of being in his life. This happens often when I work with people, they are ready to move on and out, but need the door or the window opened so they can see what's there, and help moving through. It's a spiritual transformation, but feels like being stuck and trapped. Dave was able to dive into the teachings, transmissions and help I could give him, and had a powerful transformational experience. From this new place we can continue on our journey to whatever is next!

Dave Mox. Software Engineer
I worked with Coyote during a time of significant life and career transition. I had pushed my existing approach to life and work as far as it would take me, and wanted to really challenge my understanding of what's possible. After a brief chat with Coyote, it was apparent that he had transformed himself and was living just a completely different experience of life than I was. I was intrigued and it was pretty obvious that I could learn a lot from him, so we started working together.
About three months into our coaching, I had a life-transforming experience that has completely changed my life. It was late on a Friday night, and I was engaging with just a ton of stress and anxiety. As I really embraced these feelings and did some practical exercises that he and I had been practicing together, I had the physical sensation, in my body, of what it felt like to be completely valuable as a person, just by virtue of existing.
For years, I had struggled to grasp onto any feeling of personal value outside of accomplishment. Accomplishment was my way of proving my value and right to exist - to myself and others. But that evening, I physically became conscious of my innate, complete, unchangeable value as a human.
Since then, life has been a completely different experience. I live for the joy and challenge of personal expression and expansion as a divine being. There is no longer this grasping for an illusive sense of completeness or wholeness that had characterized my life.
I could recommend Coyote for his unique perspective, experience and insight, but ultimately he has helped me to interact with life through a different lens, and that has changed the way I think, feel, act and experience life. I expect we'll work together again in the future. Thanks Coyote!.

03Â Joel Lewis
Such a beautiful experience to work with this heartfelt man. We worked together on two separate engagements as Joel moved through areas of life he was struggling with, helping him with communication, boundaries, clarity and overall moving into alignment with what his heart wants rather than expending all his energy on doing things to help others but not taking care of himself in the process.
He did me the amazing honor of getting something I said to him actually tattooed on his arm!
Remember. Stop Forgetting.

Joel Lewis. TruFit Gym Owner
When I first started working with Coyote I was lost. I had a good life, good job, wonderful family AND no direction. Through my work with Coyote I was able to start the work of finding clarity in my life. This is not an easy process and with Coyote’s guidance I was able to slow things down and answer some tough questions about myself.
He was always patient and provided tools to move me forward on my journey. Practical tools that can be applied during everyday life to refocus when things “get crazy”. These tools span many different areas of life as well including financial clarity, emotional investigation and relationship building.
I honestly don’t know where I would be if I didn’t have Coyote in my life and I truly mean that. Loving Kindness Always Wins.
I'd love to see if we are a fit to work together
Getting on a call to connect with me isn't about "selling" you anything, that's not what I want or need. It's about seeing if we are genuinely a good fit to work together. If you're in the place where you need some guidance and help, and if resonate with what you know about me so far, set up a call or send a message and let's see if there is a fit to do more. At the least we'll have some conversation, you'll get a dose of some good energy from me. And if we're not a fit there might be someone I know that can help you better, or point you towards other things you can check out.
More feedback from people I work with

Tim Whitaker
Being coached by Coyote Jackson has opened my eyes, my mind and my heart to what real encouragement feels like. And it is a strong feeling indeed. I am starting my own business: an endeavor I've never done before.
Foremost he is patient and understanding in listening to my words. He has helped me to clarify those words and goals when I am fumbling in unfamiliar terrain. There's a large sense of patience and empathy Coyote consistently has exhibited throughout the entire process, and it has created such a nurturing environment that I look forward to the next coaching, and the next and next.
Coyote has consistently held a gentle, kind mirror up to me during even the small victories and shown me that it's important to cheer and revel in feeling good throughout the whole process. The path to building a business is fraught with challenges, and to overcome them and remember to celebrate has made the process incredibly rewarding thanks to his guidance.

Erik Schneider
I have been working with Coyote for over a year on multiple projects. Coyote is a force and a joy to work with. His work always comes with the highest integrity and exceeds expectations. Coyotes force is met with compassion. He has the ability to sense the need and work with an open and gentle heart. I'm lucky to find a coaching partner who brings both of these opposing but congruent qualities.