Loving Kindness Wins

Loving Kindness Wins!

If you are scared, anxious, angry, fearful of the future – Loving Kindness Wins.

Remember this, and practice this.  Loving Kindness Wins.

Simply, consistently, repeatedly come back to this fundamental truth. Loving Kindness Wins!

This time we find ourselves in is intensely difficult. We are suffering. Anxiety and fear abounds. There are so many stories of dire consequences, of terror over our direction, stories of the terrible horrors of war, democracy and civilizations collapsing, consequential policy choices being fought over. Aggression everywhere. 

In the face of this what ought we do? Fight, collapse, attack, run, hide?

I offer this: Loving Kindness Wins!

The hearing, the knowing of this provides relief as we let it in. Adopt it. Align to its energy. 

But fundamentally it is a practice instruction. Something we can tangibly do. We can practice loving kindness in the face of whatever it is that we struggle with. Our fear, our anxiety, our caught-upedness. Loving Kindness Wins.

I’ve heard so many stories from people who are experiencing the intense pull of these mind-states. They engage in spats and fights online, they talk politics with friends but it’s not really about politics, the issues, it’s about all the awful things that somebody is doing or saying. We constantly look for agreement and validation about how awful it is.

We must recognize what we are doing to ourselves, that there is very little healthy benefit to be gained from engaging our precious and powerful attention in this swirling vortex of negative thoughts. 

I’m not advocating for ignoring what’s going on. But I am advocating that we take full personal responsibility for our own well-being and for what we are feeding with the power of our mind. In any given situation, conversation, what world are you standing for? Are you – right in that moment – creating one in which the landscape is desolate, polarized, a Mad-Max landscape with warring factions destroying each other and our own loving nature? Or are you creating one in which Loving Kindness Wins? 

If you find yourself caught up in the endless stories of what’s going wrong, what he or she has said now, please choose to care how you feel. Really, really, care how you feel. The ignoring of this is highly damaging. It’s so important to notice what it’s doing to you, your body, your energy, your health, your loved ones, your community. Please, with all the loving kindness I can muster, I ask you to stop. Instead, remember, loving-kindness wins! Please choose, in every moment you can remember, to practice being in loving kindness. Then act from there. For yourself, and your loved ones, and all beings. You are worth it.

Repeat this consistently, with diligence, and you will completely change the experience you’re having of your life. Loving Kindness Wins.

Wishing you peace, love, magic, joy, and play in your journey. LOVING KINDNESS WINS!

If you think I may be able to help you, please reach out.
